Monday 3 December 2012

Nov review

what i understand about patterns

Navel Radition= awearness of the centre and looking at the limbs that stem from that very centre,
2arms, 2 legs a head and a tail which is the top of the skull and the base of the tail.  this radiation spreads through these six limbs allowing stimualtion . making it AWEAR that everything that we engage with is initiated from the centre, this has a close connection to growing in the embryo. allowing use to remember things we once knew.

Mouthing pattern= again goes back to the baby stages retriving information we were once familiar with. as a baby you use your mouth to initiate movement, for example when a baby is trying to find the breasts for feeding, they tend to start with movement of the mouth, using the smell and movement to find it. This gets the digestive system going. this pattern spurs up th notion of being in two halves on the inside of the body. The line that seperates the two sides is the digestive system.

Pre spinal pattern= 3lines in the body, digestive/Noto cord/Uro tube. Noto cord is the soft tissue in the back that become the disc
and the uro tube becomes the brain and the spinal cord. which is all protected by a boney incasement

The yield and push pattern= with this pattern i understand that when yielding its like sinking, leaving an inprint and /or melting is the imagery that comes to mind. you yeild so far that you rebound out of the yeild, the energy of sinking takes you so far you bounce back from it

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